the keltys: family.

Leslie and her family just welcomed their third daughter (I love a family of sisters) a little over a month ago, and they invited me over to their home to document this special time in their lives. 

Unfortunately, two year olds don't always understand how to pose and model for family photos, and little miss Caroline wasn't exactly feeling like getting her photo taken that day, but we all just rolled with it. Ann, the oldest of the girls, took the chance to be my personal model and always made sure to smile and look at the camera at every opportunity. Matt and Leslie were so kind and easy going, and I'm happy to report we were able to capture images that they loved.  

Thank you Keltys for inviting me into your home on a cloudy Saturday afternoon and reminding me that even when two years olds don't want their picture taken, a loving family is always a beautiful thing to behold.
