touraya: senior.

Fewer things bring my heart more joy than watching my former students thrive after the awkward years of middle school. I don't think I've ever heard any adult say, "You know what time in my life I really loved? Middle school." The fact that they make it through relatively unscathed is a testament to us all. 

I feel extra fortunate when those same students stay in touch, send emails, and drop by my classroom every once in a while. They are living and breathing reminders that one day the lightbulb comes on and things click and their middle school selves mature into young adults who make this world a better place. 

Enter Touraya. Once upon a time she was a sassy 8th grader with a definite soft side, but an extra dose of opinions. I adored her and her sisters (who I also had the privilege of teaching), and now, what do you know, she's the student body president and a beautiful young woman. 

I've loved staying in touch with her over the years, and it was even more of an honor to be able to take her senior photos. She is full of light and so much promise, and I feel grateful that I was a very small part of her story.

College is coming and the future feels uncertain, but one thing I know for sure is this girl is going places. She's still got that middle school sass, and there isn't anything or anyone who will stand in her way.

I also feel it is worthwhile to note that I never looked this good in my senior photos. The framed photo on my parents' wall is proof enough. Just look for the girl with the straight face, white wool sweater turtleneck, and teal eyeshadow. It's not pretty.

{sidenote: Touraya brought her friend Reilly along for some pictures, and I couldn't help but include them. Aren't they adorable?}


the giles: maternity.

I've known Brandon and Stephanie for the past few years and am so excited for them as they welcome there first baby in just about a month. They are passionate, motivated, adventurous, make me constantly jealous with their world travels, and will be the very best parents to this little baby on the way. Everyone who knows and loves them could not be more excited.

Our first session got called due to a fair amount of torrential rain, so I was thrilled that round two provided us with clear skies and golden sun. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening.

Thank you Brandon and Steffany for choosing me to document this sacred, special, joyous, nerve wracking time. You will have your fair share of highs and lows, but no matter what, you have everything you need to parent this new baby with grace and love. You've got this.

the caldwells: newborn and family.

When I walked into the Caldwell's home, I knew immediately that we were going to have a great morning together. They were kind and easy going and just a joy to be around. West loved sticking his tongue out at the camera and wanted to show me his books, baby Levi was sweet and cuddly and only needed a little food every once in awhile to be happy and content, and Megan and Robbie love each other and their little boys with such tenderness. They are the good ones.

I loved the opportunity to spend the morning with this family, and I hope these photos express the deep love they share for each other. Parenting in the early days is such hard work, and it can be easy to forget how precious these moments are. I hope these photos serve as a reminder that yes, these days were hard, but they were also good. So very good.

Thank you Caldwells for inviting me into your home and trusting me to document such an important time in your lives. Your boys are so very lucky to have you.


the vardals: newborn and family.

This is the third time I've had the honor and privilege of photographing the Vardal family. First, for their engagement, second, after their first son was born, and now after their second son was born. Few things are better than a family who trusts me to document their lives over the years.

Callie and Dean are superheroes for parenting in the "two under two" category IN THE MIDDLE OF MOVING HOUSES. I think that just might qualify them for a certain level of sainthood, and after spending the afternoon with them, I definitely think they qualify. 

It was wonderful to see them again, along with Alex who I had seen last when he was just a baby, Xena, the lovable pup who always steals the show, and their newest addition Will who was so good and slept for most of the time I was there. Life for the Vardals is full and all the best kinds of crazy.

Thank you again for welcoming me into your home. The pleasure was all mine.
