jack barrett: newborn.

I adore this family. Honestly and truly. I first met Chris and then Elly a few years ago through a mutual friend when Chris was a teacher (he's currently saving the world through One Seed Expeditions) and now Elly and I are in the same book club (so much talk about book clubs on the blog these days). They just had their first baby, Mr. Jack Barrett, and bottom line:

they are the best. 

I got to hang out with them a couple of weeks ago at their home, provide baby Jack with his first modeling opportunity, and get the full update on Chris' childhood mullet. It was a life-changing evening for everyone involved.

I loved watching Chris and Elly love each other and baby Jack with so much sweetness it was almost overwhelming. He is a lucky boy to be joining such a wonderful family, and I can't wait to watch him grow up surrounded by so much love. Oh, and I really hope he follows in his dad's footsteps and rocks his own mullet. I guess only time will tell.